
City of STEM Science Festival, The Toy Association. Oct 2020, Panelist

Panel discussion on the topic of learning STEAM through play and toys as part of a virtual science festival in metro-LA.

The Genius of Play, The Toy Association. Jun 2019, Panelist

Panel discussion presented to congressional staffers on Capitol Hill on the role of toys and play in early childhood development, education, and STEM.

Podcast Interview, We Are Teachers. Oct 2010, Expert Interview

Discussed the role of games and screen-based technology in today’s learning ecosystem and some criteria that teachers can use to evaluate what games can support their teaching.

Fred Forward Roundtable, The Fred Rogers Center. Jan 2011, Oct 2011, Panelist

Contributed to the development of a theoretical framework for evaluating quality in digital children’s media.

Live Webcast Panel, Elluminate. Jun 2010, Panelist

Panel discussion with Henry Jenkins (MIT) and Mark Warshaw (The Alchemists) on topics related to navigating new media and learning.

The Dust or Magic Institute, Children’s Technology Review. Nov 2010, Presenter

Live-demo and discussion of a new interactive stylus-based learn-to-read platform.

American Educational Research Association Conference April 12, 2016

Adaptive learning & parent communication.

(Panel) Learning from Educational Media at Home: Principles and Practices for Working with Families.

American Educational Research Association Conference April 15, 2012

The Outdoor Play Inventory: A time-sampling observation protocol for assessing children's play in outdoor playgrounds.

Digital Media and Learning Conference February 19, 2010

When worlds collide: Real politics in the World of Warcraft universe.

(Pecha Kucha) From Fan Activism to Political Activism: Participatory Democracy around Popular Media Affinity Groups

Learning in a Participatory Culture Conference May 2, 2009

(Keynote Presentation) From participatory culture to learning ecologies.

Society of Research in Child Development Conference March 21, 2007.

(Symposium, Chair) Developmental Technologies: Positive uses of technology for youth learning and development. Chair and Organizer.

American Educational Research Association Conference April 9, 2007

Using a 3D virtual environment to foster college-community connections.

Head Start National Research Conference June 26, 2006

The interface of Chinese and American culture in an urban Head Start center.

American Educational Research Association Conference April 10, 2006

Exploring the relationship between educational technology and youth development: A case study of LEGO summer camp.

American Psychological Association Convention August 21, 2005

Positive technological development: A research methodology for exploring relationships between youth development and educational technologies.